In the years following a decennial census, the US Census Bureau releases in March its county population estimates for July 1 of the preceding year. This is known as their annual postcensal estimates. A few days ago, the bureau’s July 1, 2013 population estimates were released. In this post, we will take a look at Denver’s and other Colorado counties’ population estimates. You can read last year’s post on this topic by clicking here.
For the fifth time in the past six years, Denver County has led the state in numeric population growth according to the US Census Bureau. The Census Bureau’s recently released 2013 population estimates show that Denver County (the City and County of Denver) had a population of 649,495 on July 1, 2013, an increase of 14,953 over their July 2012 estimate of 634,542. Denver’s 2010 Census population count was 600,158.
Here are two tables I’ve prepared showing the “Vintage 2013” postcensal estimates for the Top 10 Colorado counties in both numeric and percentage population gain between the 2012 and 2013 (click to embiggen):
Next, let’s take a look at the Top 10 Colorado counties in both numeric and percentage population gain between the 2010 Census and the new July 2013 estimates:
The Census Bureau’s July 2013 population estimate for Colorado was 5,268,367, an increase of 78,909 from the July 2012 estimate, and an increase of 239,171 from the state’s 2010 Census count of 5,029,196.
So the suburban counties sum up to about 150,000, which means Denver proper is capturing about 25% of metropolitan growth now. Not bad. Begs the question how much higher that would be if our housing shortage wasn’t driving up prices and pushing people out.
Brent said: “if our housing shortage wasn’t driving up prices”
From an historical perspective that seems almost surreal. This last decade has witnessed a generational change within Denver which continues. Surely the wave of residential units are most welcome. Thanks to Denver Infill it’s amazing to see the footprint of new projects.
Despite the recession there has been no shortage of capital; the ability of liquidity to flow from traditional financial centers on the coasts and from Chicago to Dallas has been astonishing for its efficiency and (relative) speed. One has to wonder “how long can this party go on?” When will the party trays run out? It’s why with each new project I remain mesmerized.
But affordability is lacking. The rent levels are mind boggling to many of us. How much and how long can can the economy continue to support this? Let’s assume the story doesn’t end badly but all cycles end. We can at least marvel at and relish the bricks and mortar additions that will forever change the landscape. this rate we’re going to have more than 700,000 people in Denver by 2018 or even 2017. I think we’re looking at somewhere around 730,000+ by the 2020 census. I guess we’ll see what this city looks like with another 100,000+ people living within it.
That is if we can sustain that kind of population growth.
If current trends continue, by 2020 metro Denver will have more than 3 million population, not counting Boulder County. Boulder, Larimer and Weld counties will be close to a million and El Paso and Pueblo counties will be close to a million. Five million along the Front Range. For those opposing suburban sprawl, the tremendous core city Infill is very encouraging. Smart growth is higher density, clustered around rail and trail alternatives to cars. Greenbelts and parks. In the post-WW2 growth era, the Denver area has grown at between 2 and 3 times the national growth rate. It will continue, for all the reasons people keep coming to Colorado. Denver is America’s newest big city.