by Dave Walstrom

No spelling typo in this title.  The subject is “Imaging a Great City.”

A few years ago when we were trying to get people to think about what East Colfax Avenue could look like if infill opportunities were, uh, filled in, we Colfax ninjas thought the adage a “picture is worth a thousand words” apropos.  So we commissioned Urban Advantage to render the images below of Colfax looking east from Pearl Street as it was then and how it might look if morphed into something of a higher and better use and construct.  Denver’s Community &  Planning Department liked the treatment well enough to incorporate it into its East Colfax Small Area Plan.  Given the wealth of talent gathered under the new banner, I’m sure you all could have a ball creating similar sequences for your pet blight in town.  As we imagine a great city, maybe we could image it.


Dave Walstrom is a longtime Colfax Avenue revitalization operative and community activist, having served 15 years as executive director of the Colfax Business Improvement District and Colfax on the Hill, Inc. and currently is President of the Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods, Inc. Board of Delegates (CHUN). He is a DU graduate; a Denver streetcar advocate; and a density ninja who is thrilled that the urban flight of a few decades ago turned out to have been on a round-trip ticket.