Please join us for Denver Urbanists MeetUp #14 on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 starting at 5:30 PM at McLoughlins Restaurant and Bar, 2100 16th Street. McLoughlins is a great neighborhood pub right next to the Millennium Bridge.

Never been to one of our MeetUps before? Stop by! There is no program or anything formal. It is just a bunch of friendly people getting together to chat about Denver’s growth and development and meet like-minded people and make connections. There is no fee and you’re on your own for food and drinks.



Click on the link below to see additional details. Registration just helps give us an idea of how many people to expect. You do not need to bring the RSVP ticket with you, and if you don’t register, that’s OK too. Please stop by either way.

Denver Urbanists MeetUp #14 Eventbrite RSVP

We hope to see you at Denver Urbanists MeetUp #14 on Wednesday, September 23 at 5:30 PM at McLoughlins!