By Jill Locantore, WalkDenver Policy and Program Director

Donate to “Great Paths: The Boulevard at Jefferson Park” on Thursday, October 23 and your contribution will be matched dollar for dollar!

WalkDenver is leading a project called “Great Paths” that will make walking in northwest Denver neighborhoods more safe, comfortable, and fun. Like many urban neighborhoods, northwest Denver is experiencing a true renaissance. With new restaurants and businesses opening their doors on and near Federal Boulevard, there are more places to visit and more people moving in to enjoy these amenities. Residents would like to walk to local destinations but there are many barriers that discourage walking such as busy streets and poor sidewalk conditions.


On Thursday, October 23, we have just 24 hours to raise $8,000 ($4,000 from local donors and $4,000 in matching funds) for the Great Paths project, which will fund:

  • a community mapping exercise that will identify the top destinations for walking in northwest Denver and a priority path that connects these destinations
  • improvements to that priority path such as pedestrian wayfinding signs or public art; and
  • a series of fun community events that will raise awareness of and celebrate the improvements to the priority path.

Will you help make this project a reality? Every dollar you contribute to this project will be matched 100% by our national partner, but you must donate on October 23!

The Great Paths project is led by WalkDenver and involves a unique coalition of neighborhood interests including the Federal Boulevard Business Improvement District and Partnership, Jefferson Park United Neighbors, and Sloan’s Lake Citizens Group. Our national partners, ioby and the Transit Center, are providing the matching funds.

Please join us in this effort, which will demonstrate the type of quick, low-cost improvements that can improve walkability in neighborhoods throughout Denver. You can learn more about the project and make a donation directly through WalkDenver’s ioby campaign page here.