Project Description
Work is progressing fast over at 16th and Wewatta. Both the Hotel Born and office building at 1881 16th Street are starting to shape up.
The brickwork on the 12-story Hotel Born is nearly complete and looks sharp. It adds a facade color the Union Station neighborhood has yet to see and it nicely contrasts with its neighbor, The Platform. The brickwork on the 5-story office building is also steadily going up.
The office building complements the public space around the commuter rail canopy from both a scale and materials standpoint. It will be very exciting to see retail, and a walk-through to 16th Street, at the base of the commuter rail canopy.
The 16th and Wewatta intersection now features four (three pictured) very distinct buildings. Next time you are in the neighborhood, make sure to look up!
The 200-room Hotel Born is expected to open early 2017 along with the office building.