by Jill Locantore, WalkDenver Policy Director
Sign up today to help us build the momentum of the Denver Deserves Sidewalks campaign.
Imagine if you were responsible for filling the potholes in the street in front of your house. Not only would this policy place a significant financial burden on your household, but your ability to drive around safely would depend on other homeowners filling the potholes in front of their houses too. As ridiculous as this policy sounds, it is Denver’s current approach to sidewalk construction and maintenance. As a result, many Denver neighborhoods have missing, substandard, or deteriorated sidewalks, which makes it very difficult to get around safely on foot!
WalkDenver’s Denver Deserves Sidewalks campaign calls upon the City and County of Denver to assume responsibility for building and repairing sidewalks, and to establish a dedicated funding source for this purpose. To date, more than 2,200 individuals have signed the petition (online and hard copy), and nearly 30 organizations have provided letters of support. City Council has responded by establishing a Sidewalk Working Group, chaired by Councilman Kashmann, which will meet for the first time on January 27, 2016.
Now we need YOUR help to keep the momentum of Denver Deserves Sidewalks going and clearly demonstrate to City Council that residents want the City to provide this most basic infrastructure. The Sidewalk Champion Toolkit outlines several different ways you can help us get the word out and gather more petition signatures and support letters.
Your actions will not only help your neighborhood and your city become a more beautiful, walkable, and equitable place, but will also earn you great WalkDenver rewards!
- Sign up to become a Champion and get a WalkDenver sticker!
- Take one action from the Toolkit and get a WalkDenver tote bag!
- Take three actions from the Toolkit and get a WalkDenver t-shirt!
I’d just like to say that my city, Ithaca NY made this change in funding just last year. Huge success already. You have to have transition rules to give tax credits to the tiny number of property owners who actually did repair their sidewalks during the last 5 years.
I love side paths. Great for riding my bike away from traffic.