Would you like to help conduct research relating to how people experience Denver’s 16th Street Mall?
This summer, the Downtown Denver Partnership and the City of Denver are conducting a comprehensive Mall Experience Study to better understand how people use the Mall and to identify ways to make the Mall a more welcoming, vibrant place.
Please click on the image below to view/download a PDF that contains all of the information you need to know about the research study and how to volunteer.
This is a great opportunity for people who love urban environments and want to participate in making Downtown Denver better!
What’s the justification for calling for volunteers instead of paying people for their time?
So Gehl Architects wants us to work for free and they collect their fee?
No good deed gets left unpunished.
It’s actually a pretty cool project.
I volunteered today.
You do get a gift card for your time.
This is a great opportunity for those who want or need the experience. Plus, a good deed never hurt anyone.