If you’ve been along Quebec Street over the last month or two, you’ve surely noticed construction in the underpass beneath Smith Road and the freight rail tracks. All that work is for construction of the Quebec Street bridge for the East Rail Line heading out to DIA. Over the last few nights, crews from Denver Transit Partners (DTP – RTD’s concessionaire on the Eagle Project) placed several huge girders for the bridge taking the train over Quebec Street. The map below shows the location of the construction – the red rectangle shows the approximate location of the bridge under construction. For reference, the corridor will extend to the east and west between the Union Pacific freight tracks and Smith Road.
Thanks to Kevin Flynn, RTD’s Eagle Project Public Information Manager, we have some awesome pictures of the construction here. In addition to the Quebec Bridge, construction crews are working on the Sand Creek bridge (just east of the Central Park Blvd. bridge) and the Peña Blvd. bridge near DIA. Other bridges along the 23-mile corridor will start construction soon, including the bridge over I-70 and the Peoria/Smith bridge (funded through a separate Denver/Aurora project).
Just another sign of progress along the East Rail Line!
Very exciting……. every month, more progress. Can’t wait for I-225 to get started too!
Anyone have any idea what’s going on at I-70 and Pena, NE side?