Back in March 2011, DenverUrbanism launched a new collaboration with, a great podcast run by local urban designer Arina Habich. Every week, Arina features a different podcast about planning, design, and other urbanism issues in Denver and in other locations. Once a quarter, DenverUrbanism is co-hosting with a podcast about a timely Denver urbanism topic.
For our inaugural podcast, we featured a discussion about the Union Station project. This quarter, we’re focusing on the exciting 14th Street Initiative in Downtown Denver. Our guests are Kim Douglas with studioINSITE, Kate Haher with the Downtown Denver Partnership, and Chris Crosby with the Nichols Partnership. Ken Schroeppel is the host.
Urban Design Podcast: 14th Street Initiative
You can also download this podcast, as well as all available UrbanDesignPodcasts from iTunes by clicking here.